Let’s Get this Katamari Rolling

With interesting games like “This War of Mine” and “Sunless Sea” recently released or coming out soon, I am suddenly regretting this decision. Unless they decide to pull a Deadpool, they will still be there when I’m done with this commitment, though, so I have more games to look forward to–and likely inundate myself with in future Steam sales.

Speaking of which, that’s a good place to start. One of the perks of being a PC gamer are the sales. Whether it’s from Green Man Gaming, GOG, the Humble Bundle, and, of course, Steam, it has become easier–and more cost effective–to purchase games. Inadvertently (or expecting to) overspend on discounted games during these sales not only seems to defeat the point of the exercise, but is a memeworthy in-joke (minor Attack on Titan spoilers on that last one). Just as meme-worthy? Not playing any of them.

As The List will show you, I have only completed a fraction of my Steam library. I know I’m not the only one out there. As the size of my library grew, the pressure to play all of the titles gradually waned into apathetic acceptance that I would never get around to playing, much less beating, all of my games. It’s become “I saved forty dollars!” to “I spent ten dollars” for something I’m not using. In due preparation for the eventual Apocalypse, I am taking the Steam Challenge: beat all of my currently owned Steam games before buying another.

I have a long road ahead. I will be missing out on much of the current and soon to be current gaming landscape. But by the end of this I hope to be able to hold my head up high and say, “I beat all of these games!” #needsabetterbucketlist

I’m not sure what format most of these blog posts will take–logistics and legality pending, I’d like to record some “let’s play” like footage/clips to illustrate points, or if I’m feeling like exposing how horrible I am at drawing to the world, short little comics. In whatever case, I look forward to taking this journey and sharing it with all of you.